The excitement of starting a new project.

We’re facing many difficult challenges in our world. Most people are doing their best and value the same things. There’s good news. You don’t have to make the whole world a better place. But together, we can start with the Ottawa / Kemptville region. ⁣⁣
In April I was beyond excited to find out that I was accepted into the ButterflyWay program. It’s a citizen-led movement growing highways of habitat for bees and butterflies throughout Canada.⁣⁣
There's no “one path” to create the best pollinator garden. Not everyone has to do exactly the same thing. It's actually better if we each add our own flair — the changes needed in the world are complex! ⁣⁣
It takes courage to make change. I think that now is that time to create positive change to help our communities grow.

During the following months I will be posting my adventures, and sharing with everyone details on how to create their own pollinator gardens, contributing to the global community.